PSA Contributes to Technological Breakthrough in Radiation Detection

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Radiation safety continues to be an issue of social concern for many nations. The topic has recently been under discussion at the 25th National Radiological Emergency Preparedness (NREP) Conference 2015, which took place in Sacramento, California at the end of April.

One of the basic principles of radiation protection is that every radiation dose should always be kept at a safe level. Modern radiation detection and measurement devices allow the monitoring of radiation levels as precisely and quickly as possible, thus reducing the risk of radiation exposure to the community and the environment. One of the most advanced solutions was demonstrated at this year’s conference.

This solution constitutes an Android mobile application, which communicates with electronic personal dosimeters (EPD) and displays current measurements, tracks data and publishes it on public social networking services. The app was developed by a leading global manufacturer of radiation detection equipment, with assistance from PSA.

The conference participants were offered a real-time demonstration of the solution. They were invited to use radiation detection devices, with the help of Bluetooth connections, to collect data from actual sources and to telemeter the information directly into the RadResponder Network. In 40 minutes they had collected over 2000 data points!

We should note that it was the first presented solution with real-time data transmitting by the means of smart phones.


1. http://www.nationalrep.org/index.html

2. https://www.facebook.com/RadResponder/posts/477301172417144

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