Benefits of Integrated Security Systems

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Photo from Pixabay is licensed under CC0

We live in an era where cybersecurity is the main concern for businesses. With that, the importance of physical security is often underestimated. Polls reveal that 63% of respondents think that customers do not consider physical security a priority [1]. Unfortunately, the risks to physical assets are high and can be devastating both for people and their families, and the economy as a whole. Continue Reading


PhoneGap – Effective Tool for Hybrid Mobile Development

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mobile device phonegap

Photo from Pixabay is licensed under CC0

The number of smartphone users who actively use phone applications has reached 88% in 2015 [1]. This trend brings a challenge to developers who have to come up with the ways of reaching more target audience, yet keeping the development cost low. To achieve this goal, developers are leaning more and more towards hybrid applications development. The reason for hybrid application development becoming more popular is that it has the ability to cover several platforms without the need to develop separately for each one. No matter how great this development approach may sound, it is important to look at its specifics. Continue Reading


Value of Mobile Technology for Rail Transportation

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mobile phone

Photo from Pixabay is licensed under CC0

Mobile technology has evolved rapidly over the past few years and today affects every aspect of our lives, including transportation. As transportation managers seek new ways to compete in a challenging market place, many are implementing mobile technologies to optimize their operations. 44 percent of transportation executives surveyed globally said mobile is their top strategic priority, and 83 percent mentioned mobile as one of their strategic goals. Continue Reading


Computer-Aided Dispatching System Development

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PSA Internal Source

Rail network velocity, timely arrivals, efficiency and safety are critical in today’s fast-paced transportation markets. Computer-Aided Dispatching (CAD) systems are designed to remove the risk of human error, thus helping to achieve safety and stability on the railroads. The CAD systems assist dispatchers in issuing safe train movement authorities, while integrating resource planning to keep moving trains efficiently.  Continue Reading


Dosimeter Calibrator Development

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PSA Internal Source

Radiation is a very serious and hazardous environment that should be accurately monitored in such institutes as nuclear power stations, plants and scientific laboratories, among others.

For the purpose of radiation level control and absorbed dose measurement, these institutes utilize personal electronic hand-held dosimeters. Such information is vitally important for health reasons and it’s crucial to gather this information with the help of reliable and accurate devices. Once manufactured, personal dosimeters have factory-default set of parameters and each device requires to be calibrated against a predefined level of radiation by calibration machine before shipment to the customers. Continue Reading