The Integration of Internet of Things into Everyday Life

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In 1965 Gordon Moore, Co-Founder of Intel, made a prediction, he thought at the time would last 10 years. In reality his prediction has continue to ring true for last 50 years and is still going. Moore’s Law predicts the number of transistors that can fit on a silicon chip will double every two years as technology advances.1

At the time Moore made his prediction, color television was just emerging in the United States and you had to actually walk to the TV to turn the channel. Most homes had telephone service with a party line that was shared by multiple service subscribers. Personal computers would not become common for another 15-20 years. Continue Reading


Why It Is Important to Keep the User Experience in Mind

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Photo from Pixabay is licensed under CC0

As technology continues to evolve through the years so do the number and diversity of the end user. Prior to 1980, most computing was done on main frames controlled by professional IT personnel.1 Today, almost anything can be done on a smart device in the hands of one to 100 year olds- including managers, students, accountants, home makers, engineers, teachers, scientists, health care workers, salesmen, etc. Each generation and skill level having their own specific set of needs that are diverse, complex and constantly changing.

When developing a software project it is crucial to tailor it to the needs of the end user as they will be using and benefiting from the product. If it is not developed to the requirements, wishes and specifications of the user, it will most likely fail.2 This can be a difficult task as the size and diversity of the targeted group of end users often vary. Continue Reading


Specifics of Effective GUI Development for Internet of Things

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When we talk about the devices that make up the Internet of Things (IoT), what comes to your mind? Smartphones, wearables, light bulbs, refrigerators, thermostats, smoke sensors, infotainment systems – the list can be endless. These connected devices became an integral part of our daily lives and their number will continue to increase year after year, according to the experts’ forecasts.

As human interactions with connected devices become stronger, GUI developers face challenges each day when designing for IoT.  Continue Reading


M2M: Solution That is Changing Healthcare

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PSA Internal Source

Nowadays, most of the world’s population is concerned about global health issues. As of 2012, about half of all adults in the USA —117 million people—have one or more chronic health conditions. One of four adults has two or more chronic health conditions. [1] As the number of people with chronic diseases is increasing, the ability for qualitative and constant monitoring of their health is limited. This results into the situation when many people are not receiving medical help on time and of a good quality, which can be life-threatening. Continue Reading


The New Age of M2M

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M2M (or Machine to Machine), the automated communication of data between connected devices, provides many unique solutions that have the capability to be utilized in a broad range of situations and industries in order to reduce costs, increase efficiencies, improve processes and simplify workflows, among other things.  The continued development of the Internet of Things (IoT) which involves the communication and networking of objects via the internet is working to achieve a pathway for goods to travel to their destinations all by themselves as data currently does on the internet of today.

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